[Article] NA Vaccine Institute publishes results of superiority of self-developed immune booster ‘Nexavant’ in international academic journal
Writer 최고관리자
NA Vaccine Institute (CEO Kim Dong-ho) announced on the 27th that it has proven that 'Nexavant', a new RNA-based immune enhancer developed in-house, can be an excellent immune enhancer as a result of joint research with Professor Han Seung-hyun's team at the Graduate School of Dentistry at Seoul National University. . The research results were published in Frontiers in Immunology (IF=8.786).

An adjuvant is an auxiliary substance added to a vaccine to strengthen the immune response to an antigen. If the vaccine contains an adjuvant, an appropriate immune response can be induced even with a small amount of antigen, so efficient vaccine supply can be expected by reducing the amount of antigen used. In addition, because the vaccine's effectiveness can be achieved even in infants and the elderly with relatively low immunity, its use is increasing to improve the effectiveness of the vaccine.

According to the NA Vaccine Institute, poly (I:C) is a synthetic substance with a strong immune-boosting effect that has been previously used, and is known to improve the effectiveness of vaccines for the prevention and treatment of various infectious diseases and cancer. However, poly(I:C) lacks homogeneity and stability, so it is difficult to be certified as a medicine, and the technology for mass production is not available, so the production price is high and mass supply is difficult, so it has not been commercialized. 

The NA Vaccine Institute developed 'Nexavant', which secured homogeneity and stability by overcoming the shortcomings of poly (I:C), and proved the vaccine's immune-enhancing efficacy and safety through experimental animal models. In particular, Nexavant's mass production technology was developed and was certified as a New Excellent Technology (NET) by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

According to the company's explanation, Nexavant has several advantages and competitiveness compared to existing adjuvants, such as being able to reduce vaccine production costs by using fewer antigens during vaccine production and being able to respond to various mutant viruses by inducing strong cellular immunity. Nexavant can be used in various infectious disease prevention vaccines and cancer treatment vaccines.

NA Vaccine Institute is already producing GMP-quality products for pharmaceutical use and developing a general-purpose flu vaccine and a peptide-based tuberculosis vaccine. It is also used as a central substance in various cancer treatment vaccines under development.

An official from NA Vaccine Institute announced that they plan to proceed with joint research and supply contracts with global pharmaceutical companies and vaccine development companies based on the academic community's objective recognition of this paper.