

  • 2024

    • 2024.06 Selected as KDDF non-clinical project for Glioblastoma therapy
  • 2023

    • 2023.04 Selected as a commercialization project by the Korea Institute of Startup and Entrepreneurship Development: Selected as one of the top 100 startups for materials, parts, and equipment
  • 2022

    • 2022.12 Certified as a national new technology (NET) by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
      Selected as a military service designated institution by the Military Manpower Administration
    • 2022.10 Factory registration
    • 2022.05 ISO 9001 quality certification
    • 2022.05 animal vaccine adjuvant development project with Z Company
    • 2022.04 Stroke treatment research and development agreement with Hanyang University
    • 2022.04 Selected as a project for rapid general-purpose vaccine technology development by Global Vaccine Leading Technology Center
    • 2022.04 Selected as a future growth high value-added vaccine development project by Global Vaccine Leading Technology Center
  • 2021

    • 2021.11 Series B investment completed
      Selected as a KRAS vaccine development project by Korea Drug Development fund
    • 2021.05 Patent registration of key materials
      Investment promotion from Bionote
    • 2021.03 Agreement on research and development of cerebral infarction treatment with Inje University
    • 2021.01 Agreement to develop treatment/prevention vaccine with Yonsei University Tuberculosis Research Institute
  • 2020

    • 2020.12 Selected as a BIG3 R&D project, BIG3 commercialization project by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
    • 2020.09 Signed a comprehensive partnership agreement with BioNote for development of COVID-19 vaccine, etc.
    • 2020.08 Completed CMO consignment production of adjuvant
    • 2020.07 Signed an agreement with Il-yang Pharm to develop a flu vaccine capable of intranasal administration/ store at room temperature/ cross-immune
  • 2019

    • 2019.10 Started clinical trial of Adjuvant for livestock with Company B
    • 2019.07 Applied for 3 patents (core technologies related to vaccine adjuvants)
    • 2019.05 Building a BL2 animal laboratory
    • 2019.04 Series A investment completed
    • 2019.01 Certification of Industrial R&D Center
      Establishment of Vaccine and Adjuvant technology platform
  • 2018

    • 2018.07 Authorization of Venture Business
      Selected as TIPS by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
    • 2018.02 Establishment of NA Vaccine Institute