
Nexavant® as an immune stimulant


  • Nexavant II

    • O/W formulated with Nexavant
    • Balanced Th1/Th2 activation
    • CTL activation
  • Nexavant III

    • Alum formulated with Nexavant
    • Potent antigen sparing
    • Balanced Th1/Th2 activation
  • Nexavant IV

    • Novel Nexavant formulation
    • Antigen sparing
    • Potent Th1 activation
    • Potent CTL activation

Zoster gE protein

  • Antigen specific IgG and IgG1/G2 responses.

  • VZV gE antigen was purchased from Creative Diagnostics.

  • Antigen specific CD4 and CD8 T cell responses.

  • VZV gE antigen was purchased from Creative Diagnostics.

CRM protein

  • Antigen specific IgG and IgG1/G2 responses.

  • CRM antigen was purchased from Eubiologics Inc.

  • Antigen specific CD4 and CD8 T cell responses.

  • CRM antigen was purchased from Eubiologics Inc.

Influenza QIV

  • Antigen specific IgG and IgG1/G2 responses.

  • QIV vaccine was provided by ILYANG pharma.

  • Antigen specific CD4 and CD8 T cell responses.

  • The QIV vaccine was provided by ILYANG Pharma.