
Nexavant®, the novel TLR3 agonist

  • 1 A defined TLR3 agonist with homogeneity
  • 2 RNase A and heat resistant
  • 3Stable for more than two years at 42℃
  • 4 TLR3 and RIGI agonist without MDA5 activation
  • 5 Scale-up production in GMP grade
  • 6 CAS registered (CAS Number: 2839526-76-8)
  • 7 More than 99% purity in HPLC
  • 8 Capable for more than 10 million dose production/year
  • 9 Strong immune stimulant:
  • 10 Potent anticancer effect:
  • 11 Induce Th1 and CTL response
  • 12 DS for the following development:
  • Vaccine adjuvant
  • Anti PD-1 dual therapy
  • Adjuvant for a cross-reactive flu vaccine
  • Peptide complex drug development

Nexavant®, a homologous, stable, and high purity product

  • Homogeneity

  • Stability I

  • Purity

  • Stability II